STARS 2025

Monday, June 23 - Friday, July 25 (Closed July 4)
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Daily

Seaside will welcome a total of 30 students (three classes) from Jessie Mae Monroe and Union Elementary Schools. Children receive breakfast and lunch daily, three hours of intense literacy instruction in the morning taught by teachers and assistants hired from our local elementary schools.

Afternoon activities vary each day. Field trips, swimming, STEAM activities, music, fitness, nutrition, and just plain fun are all part of what the children will experience this summer.

STARS is primarily funded by The Duke Endowment. We recognize the following community partners for their financial and volunteer support:

  • Jessie Mae Monroe and Union Elementary Schools

  • The Rotary Clubs of Shallotte and South Brunswick Islands

  • Brunswick County Summer Feeding Program

  • BEMC

  • Dollar General Literacy Foundation

  • South Brunswick Library

  • Dinah Gore Aquatic Center at Brunswick Community College


Union Elementary STARS Summer Literacy Pizza Info Meeting

Monday, February 24 at 5 p.m. in the school cafeteria
Click here to register

Jessie Mae Monroe STARS Summer Literacy Pizza Info Meeting

Tuesday, February 25 at 5 p.m. in the school cafeteria
Click here to register


2025 STARS Summer Literacy Program

Celebrating 12 Years of Serving Children and Families in Our Community

The Duke Endowment’s Rural Church Summer Literacy Initiative is designed to help United Methodist congregations improve early childhood literacy in North Carolina’s rural communities.

“STARS at Seaside UMC Summer Literacy partners are generously investing in the lives and academics of our youth—and it is paying off. The Duke Endowment celebrates the impact you are making in service to your students and your community.”   (The Duke Endowment Impact Dashboard.)

Seaside’s Summer Literacy Program provides intensive literacy instruction each morning to rising second and rising third-grade students who have been recommended by their teachers. Afternoon enrichment activities provide our students with new experiences and fun activities that offer opportunities for them to grow and learn.

Click the Get Involved button below to request more information on how you can make a difference in a child’s life this summer. All volunteers who work with children must attend Safe Sanctuaries Training and have a background check every five years (see the events page to register for Safe Sanctuaries Training).

Contact Meg at 910-579-5753 for more information.