DivorceCare at Seaside
Seaside will host our next 13-week session of DivorceCare beginning on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 in the church parlor.
DivorceCare meets each Wednesday from 6:30 - 8:30 PM for these 13 weeks.
DivorceCare is a 13-week Christ-centered program for persons going through separation or divorce. Participants meet in a small group, watch a video on some aspect of divorce or separation, then discuss in a small group setting. Topics include anger, grief and depression, loneliness, anxiety, and conflict.
Previous participants shared that they valued those who surrounded them, accompanied them, and both comforted and challenged them during the program. Register and purchase the workbook ($20.00) online at www.divorcecare.org or contact Karen Viviano at 910-880-1358 or gaddylaw@yahoo.com for more information.