Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation.

Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need.

Since 1975, more than 600,000 people from more than 13,000 congregations and other organizations have been trained as Stephen Ministers.

Stephen Ministry at Seaside


Meet Our Stephen Ministers


Bob Bell

Carol Aspy

Deb Wensel

Debbie Gurreri


Frank Malkin

Greg Rocklage

Jean Oliver

JoAnn Adams


June Donley

Kathleen Waggoner

Lin Bradley

Linda Bradley


Lindy Lamb

Marvin Ragland

Mary Ann vonHausen

Mary Ellen Good


Mike Waggoner

Robin Ware

Russ Johnson

Stephanie Woodson


Tony Iannotta

Molly Justus

Kathleen Barthelme

Mary Ellen York